
Tackling Auto Theft Head-On: How Trackem GPS Modernizes Auto Theft Investigator Efforts

5 minute read

Today technology permeates every facet of our lives, it's no surprise that law enforcement agencies are leveraging cutting-edge tools to combat crime. At the same time, criminals are also tapping into new technologies, which has fueled the growing epidemic of auto theft we find ourselves in now.

One such tool auto theft investigators are using in the fight against auto theft is Trackem GPS. These modern GPS tracking solutions are proving to be a game-changer for police and auto theft investigators, facilitating arrests and thwarting criminals in their tracks.

Auto theft remains a widespread issue, with recent statistics highlighting its alarming prevalence. In North America, the problem persists, with data revealing concerning trends. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), vehicle thefts in the United States experienced a significant surge in 2021, with preliminary reports indicating a 12.4% increase compared to the previous year. Similarly, in Canada, the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) reported a 14% rise in auto thefts in 2021, marking the highest level in several years. Even more alarming was an increase of 27% from 2021 to 2022 in Canada, which is now significantly outpacing the US, in terms of auto thefts per capita.

Trackem GPS Infographic Auto theft rates in Canada

Against this backdrop, Trackem GPS is emerging as a critical partner and tool in the fight against auto theft, for policing agencies and consumers who protect their assets with GPS tech.

Trackem GPS collaborates closely with multiple police departments, providing them with advanced Magnetic GPS Trackers and robust software capabilities. These trackers are quickly and discreetly installed on bait cars or, when warrants permit, on vehicles suspected of being involved in criminal activities. Once deployed, these trackers allow law enforcement officials to monitor the movements of suspects in real-time, via a mobile app or web interface, gathering crucial evidence to build a solid case against them. These rechargeable trackers can be left on vehicles for many weeks, even months on a single charge, during a given investigation. Investigators can see exact routes, speeds, precise current and historical locations, dates and times for entering and leaving geofenced areas and more.

One of the key strategies employed by law enforcement agencies is the use of bait cars equipped with Trackem GPS trackers. These vehicles are strategically placed in high-theft areas, enticing would-be thieves to take the bait. However, unbeknownst to the perpetrators, these bait cars are equipped with Trackem GPS technology, allowing police to track their every move. As soon as a thief takes the bait, law enforcement is immediately alerted, enabling them to pursue and apprehend the suspect swiftly or closely monitor them to get more information on their wider criminal operations and network.

Bait car being tracked by police with Trackem GPS tracker

Trackers can be placed on suspect’s vehicles as well to monitor movement. This allows investigators to follow the tracked vehicles to see where suspects live and operate, who they are acquainted with, when they engage in illegal activity, how they distribute stolen property, and more. Police can see trends and criminal strategies in real-time or analyze crimes from the past.

Moreover, Trackem GPS trackers offer advanced features such as real-time tracking with as little as 5-second GPS ping rates. This capability ensures that law enforcement officers have extremely accurate information on the location of stolen vehicles or suspects, enhancing their ability to respond swiftly and effectively.

Geofencing capabilities allow authorities to define specific geographical boundaries, around a property, parking lot, container yard, or an entire city. If a vehicle equipped with a Trackem GPS tracker enters or exits these predefined zones, instant alerts are triggered, enabling law enforcement to take immediate action. Further to that, the devices ‘sleep’ while they are not in motion, however, as soon as motion is detected an alert goes to police to let them know a suspect is on the move.

Police officers using Trackem website to monitor stolen vehicle

The effectiveness of Trackem GPS in combating auto theft lies in its ability to provide law enforcement agencies with actionable intelligence in real-time. By accurately tracking the whereabouts of stolen vehicles or monitoring the activities of suspects, police can coordinate timely interventions, leading to successful arrests, the recovery of stolen property and the wider dismantling of larger crime rings.

Furthermore, Trackem GPS goes beyond mere surveillance, offering comprehensive tracking and reporting features that streamline the investigative process. Law enforcement officials can access detailed logs of vehicle movements, timestamps, and locations, which serve as invaluable evidence in court proceedings.

In conclusion, Trackem GPS is a vital tool in the arsenal of law enforcement agencies battling the scourge of auto theft. By partnering with police departments and providing them with the latest GPS tracking technology, Trackem is empowering authorities to proactively combat crime, generate arrests, and make communities safer. As auto theft continues to pose a significant threat, the innovative solutions offered by Trackem, including real-time tracking, geofencing capabilities, and instant movement alerts, are instrumental in tipping the scales in favor of law enforcement, ensuring that criminals are brought to justice and stolen vehicles are swiftly recovered.

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